+[2015-06-28T22:56:41Z]lillian<humans, not calling you a monkey> +[2015-06-28T22:58:28Z]SteelGolemKII KII +[2015-06-28T22:59:22Z]SteelGolemhow minor of changes are worth a pull request? +[2015-06-28T23:00:04Z]SteelGolemdepends on who's in charge, i suppose +[2015-06-28T23:01:55Z]SteelGolemoh that's cool, i can just dump my entire project onto the desktop app and it'll figure out what was changed on its own
i'll just make some changes and submit and see what happens
+[2015-06-29T03:06:52Z]lillianhey github hm... https://github.com/lillian-lemmer/hypatia/graphs/punch-card +[2015-06-29T03:06:56Z]lilliando i have a problem? +[2015-06-29T03:06:57Z]lillian:p +[2015-06-29T03:26:40Z]aretecodeHow can I upload a folder to github? +[2015-06-29T03:27:48Z]aretecodeI attempted to do https://guides.github.com/introduction/getting-your-project-on-github/#pushit & https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line/ but all I get uploaded are .gitattributes & .gitignore