+ [2015-07-16T23:56:06Z] ChowTomba THEN this person asks me to do something, then I do, come back and I'm banned from his repo, and I did nothing at all to deserve this...
+ [2015-07-16T23:56:59Z] ChowTomba IgnorantGuru also has an attitude towards just being a Slackware user, you don't believe me, go and use slackware, play with SpaceFM, find a bug it has plenty then GO and make a report as a Slackware user and I bet you will get banned
+ [2015-07-16T23:57:06Z] ChowTomba NOW that is TOTAL BS
+ [2015-07-16T23:57:35Z] ChowTomba Github is not showing end-users respect, I know several people that keep having problems with this developer on github
+ [2015-07-16T23:57:54Z] ChowTomba Please for the love of God, do something about this developer...

message no. 103644

Posted by Kunda in #github at 2015-07-16T18:15:36Z

ping #github
+ [2015-07-17T00:41:53Z] novas0x2a|laptop is there a reliable way to get closed_by information for a pull via the api? it doesn't look like that field is usually populated for pulls, for some reason (even though it's reported via the web).
+ [2015-07-17T04:58:04Z] guideX some of my projects on the github website are listed as visual basic, but they're c#... is there a way to adjust it?
+ [2015-07-17T05:14:39Z] irctc519 getting error => Got error status from 'git show b4cd3f1e260ebeb812c54f44102827f562b7c763'
+ [2015-07-17T05:14:44Z] irctc519 while using upload.py