+ [9 years ago] arthurvr Javascript? Or OSS?
+ [9 years ago] vmorgulis you are superproductive

message no. 103758

Posted by VxJasonxV in #github at 2015-07-17T23:58:52Z

the shortcut key is ?, you can hit it almost anywhere
+ [9 years ago] LoveAndHappiness how do I exit this weird editor, github is opening? cmd+q doesn't seem to work.
+ [9 years ago] Melite Is there a desktop notification app on ubuntu so that whenever someone pushes to a repo I get notified?
+ [9 years ago] adante i'm feeling a bit stupid for asking but how do i download this file : https://github.com/cgapps/vendor_google/blob/builds/arm/gapps-5.1-arm-2015-07-17-13-29.zip