+ [2015-08-01T22:03:48Z] tejasmanohar meaning can a commercial organization publish something under creative commons license to signify that they only can use it for commercial use and no one else can
+ [2015-08-01T22:08:43Z] dt__ hi github
+ [2015-08-01T22:10:35Z] Henry151 lundekvam: Thanks. You don't happen to have any input on how I can do the thing I'm trying to do?
+ [2015-08-01T22:11:35Z] dt__ question: i need to clone a repo and push all the commits to a new git repository, going forward, i will be working on the new repository. But, at times, i would like to get updates from the original repository and amend them to my working repository, can can this be achieved?
+ [2015-08-01T23:56:21Z] freedom https://github.com/Cathetus/Solitaire-Chess

message no. 105962

Posted by rcsheets in #github at 2015-08-01T02:22:21Z

hello. can anyone confirm or correct my understanding that github doesn't support anonymous access over ssh? i.e. cloning via ssh requires an ssh key that's tied to a github account?
+ [2015-08-03T10:48:32Z] XDS2010 Will this work?: http://ctrlv.in/614573 , keep in mind i'm already splitting the connection in the basement (possibly multiple times) after the coax comes out of the FIBER junction box. The GSH-3F is basically just a glorified splitter with a 3.5db + two 7db outputs, it has a 5mhz to 1000mhz tag on it. The far end of the connection (HTPC) is the slackware
+ [2015-08-03T10:48:44Z] XDS2010 woops wrong channel
+ [2015-08-03T12:48:26Z] ivali Hello. When i push a patch to a github repo (via git push) using a different emails, in the patch link on github can see the (gr)avatar of that respective email. Can i choose a different email when i'm sending a PR?
+ [2015-08-03T12:49:22Z] ivali How can i use the secondary email when i send a PR?