+ [2015-08-24T22:53:42Z] VxJasonxV support@, actually, but you get it
+ [2015-08-24T22:55:47Z] jeffreylevesque VxJasonxV: do i set my upstream to the original repository, or to my forked repository? because the fork i created, doesn't allow me to create issues. so i can't do `git commit -m "#12: my message", because issue #12 resides on the original repo
+ [2015-08-24T22:55:54Z] Zarthus Yeah, it's hard remembering it if you don't know what it stands for :P
+ [2015-08-24T22:56:06Z] VxJasonxV upstream should be the original repository

message no. 109417

Posted by thesilentboatman in #github at 2015-08-24T08:04:30Z

So how should I do the new pull request? That is, how do I specify that is's dependent on the first one..?
+ [2015-08-25T00:32:44Z] lasers Hello. I tried one too many git commands. How can I squash all commits? https://github.com/i3/i3/pull/1841
+ [2015-08-25T00:34:15Z] lasers (I will ask in #git)
+ [2015-08-25T00:34:19Z] Zarthus lasers: with "git rebase". https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Rewriting-History
+ [2015-08-25T00:44:28Z] lasers Zarthus: Perfect now?
+ [2015-08-25T00:44:41Z] Zarthus I don't know, does it look good?