+ [9 years ago] eparis is it possible, given an org with multiple teams, some teams having push access to a repo, but not all teams, to get the list of all users with write access to a given repo? https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/collaborators/#list doesn't give all users on all teams with push permissions....
+ [9 years ago] Laaw hm my new account's repo is 404ing: https://github.com/Laaaw/testproject
+ [9 years ago] Laaw I confirmed my email and everything :(
+ [9 years ago] Laaw "One of our mostly harmless robots seems to think you are not a human." neat
+ [9 years ago] fission6 i have a user with a pub key on my server, i have two repos on github, i am having trouble cloning the second repo because i can't add my pub key (because its been added to my first repo) whats up?

message no. 110457

Posted by eparis in #github at 2015-09-03T18:50:37Z

doesn't even know how to walk all users in the org and see if they have push permission to the repo....
+ [9 years ago] fission6 how come i can not add an SSH Key to my account?
+ [9 years ago] ezio how do i promote my github repo on the googles
+ [9 years ago] livingstn Are there other workflows in github that wouldn't be the fork/pull process, but would allow you to restrict access to the master branch?
+ [9 years ago] noot hey
+ [9 years ago] noot How do I upload images to my repository through github.com?