+ [2015-11-14T16:10:38Z] hillpim github support just told me the specific error:
+ [2015-11-14T16:10:44Z] hillpim Conversion error: Jekyll::Converters::Scss encountered an error converting 'css/main.scss'.
+ [2015-11-14T16:10:44Z] hillpim File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon.
+ [2015-11-14T16:10:44Z] hillpim Load path: /repo/_sass on line 1
+ [2015-11-14T16:10:44Z] hillpim Conversion error: File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon. Load path: /repo/_sass on line 1

message no. 119990

Posted by hillpim in #github at 2015-11-14T16:06:56Z

hi, I'm trying to set up a blog on github with jekyll but am getting an error. Could someone help with this?
+ [2015-11-15T06:13:26Z] lillian hello!
+ [2015-11-15T06:13:36Z] lillian anyone home? anyone use bounty source?
+ [2015-11-15T09:11:45Z] manrig hi guys i wanted to add a success notice on my registration form -- can someone help out ? https://searchcode.com/codesearch/view/86931312/
+ [2015-11-15T09:42:19Z] VxJasonxV instead of asking for help, try something and ask why it didn't work