+[2015-11-21T23:45:06Z]qwerty322didn't seem to do anything? +[2015-11-21T23:45:16Z]qwerty322I cd'd into my websitefolder +[2015-11-21T23:45:26Z]qwerty322and I did git init +[2015-11-21T23:47:29Z]Zarthussounds like you added the remote wrong +[2015-11-21T23:47:41Z]Zarthusgit remote add origin https://github.com/somedude/somerepo --- works for me
doesn't seem to respect either one.. im sure im misconfiguring something :(
+[2015-11-22T00:03:00Z]t4nk982hey +[2015-11-22T00:25:43Z]raedahwhy is github displaying the wrong indenting of my python files? off by a space here and there +[2015-11-22T00:29:55Z]Zarthusraedah: got a link? +[2015-11-22T00:30:15Z]raedahhttps://github.com/chris-belcher/joinmarket/pull/329/files +[2015-11-22T00:30:40Z]raedahline 125