+[2015-12-05T11:44:42Z]t4nk846How to get files from staging area back to working directory? +[2015-12-05T11:52:33Z]nedbatt4nk846: git checkout +[2015-12-05T11:53:17Z]nedbatt4nk846: this is an interesting visualization: http://ndpsoftware.com/git-cheatsheet.html#loc=index; click on the different parts +[2015-12-05T12:04:46Z]t4nk846@nedbat: Thanks for the link +[2015-12-05T13:16:06Z]MikeClassicDoes Github no longer allow use of Gravatar for profile pics?
+[2015-12-06T22:36:18Z]raedahim getting permission denied when I try to push. Its trying to push to the upstream repo. I dont want that. I just want to push to my fork on github. +[2015-12-06T23:32:37Z]milki!cross +[2015-12-06T23:32:37Z]gitinfo[!crosspost] Note: The above question was posted in both #git and #github +[2015-12-07T02:29:10Z]lewisrjcquestion about tables in github markdown, I want to split a line of text across multiple lines in the raw text file of the markdown since it's quite a bit of text +[2015-12-07T02:29:16Z]lewisrjcis there a way of doing this