+ [2016-03-17T22:46:31Z] TehCraw In the second paragraph of the license itself, it says you have to keep the original copyright notice in tact.
+ [2016-03-17T22:46:59Z] TehCraw Although you can probably sublicense it according to your needs, including add your own copyright.
+ [2016-03-17T22:48:25Z] TehCraw IIRC, any sublicense can only get less permissive so as not to break the terms of the previous. With the exception of GPL 3, which is purposefully keeps you fully open.
+ [2016-03-17T22:48:41Z] TehCraw But, I'm not a lawyer, so..
+ [2016-03-17T22:48:56Z] TehCraw Don't take the legal advice of a random internet dude.

message no. 127207

Posted by peepsalot in #github at 2016-03-17T01:18:34Z

i can see the history of commits that involve the file, but then trying to view one shows every file changed for that commit
+ [2016-03-18T00:58:05Z] raja1 if i have a custom domain for a personal page, does the repository still have to be named username.github.io or can i name it domain.com
+ [2016-03-18T01:01:06Z] TehCraw raja, this may be what you're looking for, https://help.github.com/articles/using-a-custom-domain-with-github-pages/
+ [2016-03-18T01:10:33Z] toothe I currently use hard tabs for indentation. My code doens't display all that pretty in github. Any suggestions?
+ [2016-03-18T01:11:16Z] TehCraw I think you're stuck with how it is, short of switching to spaces.
+ [2016-03-18T01:11:35Z] toothe can vim do it?