+ [9 years ago] edunham gh pages only does static site hosting; dynamic site hosting is way out of scope for a repository hosting service
+ [9 years ago] edunham you're probably best off getting some cheap/free web hosting somewhere and spinning up an instance of the thing you built, or just providing really good docs or screencasts so people can set it up themselves
+ [9 years ago] edunham you could consider distributing a container or VM image with your app pre-installed for people to play with; github does provide https://git-lfs.github.com/ for distributing such things

message no. 128382

Posted by ravenzz in #github at 2016-03-24T10:23:37Z

+ [9 years ago] kensterz Always looking for contributors for my proejct on github!
+ [9 years ago] kensterz https://github.com/kensterz/interview-questions-in-javascript
+ [9 years ago] kensterz maybe it'll help some of you too!