+ [2016-03-31T19:08:13Z] Algebr` rather, connection refused.
+ [2016-03-31T19:11:15Z] mrkurtz_ hey, so reading online it looks like there was no download zip option that includes submodules. is that still the case currently?
+ [2016-03-31T19:36:58Z] dsync if i decide to merge my working branch with master, is it possible for me to revert one of the commits in the working branch in the merge commit?
+ [2016-03-31T19:37:26Z] dsync or is all or nothing?
+ [2016-03-31T19:45:29Z] Zarthus you can revert any commit at any time using `git revert`, or you could do a more advanced `git cherry-pick`

message no. 129424

Posted by dsync in #github at 2016-03-31T15:00:18Z

selckin: i could only use rebase up to the point where i made a commit i don't want?
+ [2016-04-01T01:11:18Z] TheHackOps Is there anyway through the web interface to find the repo size
+ [2016-04-01T08:22:15Z] igor_sk i'm trying to clone some repos but git is not downloading anything :/
+ [2016-04-01T08:22:24Z] igor_sk any idea what can be wrong?
+ [2016-04-01T08:22:57Z] igor_sk >git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist.git