+[2016-06-06T20:35:10Z]Laawokay so turns out you can set a success message, and I can set that to be whatever the lint score was +[2016-06-06T23:03:44Z]twidipreaction: following on the Accept header subject, it doesn't work as expected, sadly +[2016-06-06T23:04:09Z]twidiFor a accept value to be taken into action, it must be the first +[2016-06-06T23:04:39Z]twidifor example, for multi-assignees, `application/vnd.github.v3+json, application/vnd.github.cerberus-preview+json` doesn' work, but in the reverse order it works +[2016-06-06T23:05:59Z]twidi(it's only a problem for generic api and while github doesn't have more than one preivew api for the same endpoint)
BTW, I'm using the feature I'm PRing to PR that feature in the code base ☺
+[2016-06-07T06:30:29Z]JZAhi I got a repo on bitbucket but I want to add an aditional remote on my local folder +[2016-06-07T06:30:34Z]JZAhow do I go about doing that. +[2016-06-07T06:30:44Z]JZAthe additional remote will be to github +[2016-06-07T06:41:57Z]milkiJZA: git remote add +[2016-06-07T06:50:21Z]JZAthe code is for a page, so I wonder how do I make the code I upload into a github page? Is a user-project and also is 'not' from scratch.