+ [2016-06-12T18:03:42Z] PaddyMac Maybe this thread will help? https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/unable-to-clone-github-repo-via-ssh-protocol-https-works
+ [2016-06-12T18:04:39Z] PaddyMac I'm assuming you're trying to clone what you've already uploaded to github.
+ [2016-06-12T18:05:49Z] ciampix I am trying to pull something that yesterday worked without problems ...
+ [2016-06-12T18:06:35Z] ciampix via ssh not http
+ [2016-06-12T18:52:34Z] ciampix solved! thanks!!!

message no. 138864

Posted by PaddyMac in #github at 2016-06-12T17:14:47Z

jhass: I'm using git-2.8.2
+ [2016-06-13T00:41:44Z] OverCoder Is it possible to squash commits without git? i.e. on GitHub directly in the website?
+ [2016-06-13T05:23:28Z] bombless_ fatal: remote error:
+ [2016-06-13T05:23:28Z] bombless_ You can't push to git://github.com/bombless/rusl.git
+ [2016-06-13T05:23:28Z] bombless_ Use https://github.com/bombless/rusl.git
+ [2016-06-13T05:23:35Z] bombless_ How's this happen?