+ [2016-08-23T10:16:05Z] crodjer Hmm, its not very customizable.
+ [2016-08-23T15:47:46Z] kang00 Anyone free?
+ [2016-08-23T15:51:52Z] nedbat kang00: on IRC, it works better to ask your question directly. People won't volunteer :)
+ [2016-08-23T15:52:47Z] kang00 nedbat ok
+ [2016-08-23T16:34:38Z] creeep Hi!How do I become a computer expert without a persisting internet connection?ANyone's got offline materials?

message no. 147683

Posted by crodjer in #github at 2016-08-23T10:10:47Z

Using that, but most of them have some patch linked with them.
+ [2016-08-24T01:06:27Z] antipsychiatry Please help humanity to ABOLISH this fucking TOTAL FRAUD : psychiatry !!!!!!!!!!!!And put psychiatrists in jail. Please visit antipsychiatry.org
+ [2016-08-24T01:08:54Z] FTTC Aha
+ [2016-08-24T01:09:07Z] FTTC Bro, this isn't the right channel
+ [2016-08-24T02:50:43Z] Smarty hi