+ [2016-09-14T21:14:00Z] Zarthus but webhooks are also deprecated, so I'm not surprised
+ [2016-09-14T21:41:25Z] ifdef42 if someone has updated their pull request with a force push... is there a way to find the original commit ID (which i reviewed)?
+ [2016-09-14T21:41:49Z] ifdef42 i know it's still in their fork so if i had i could diff with the latest to see what they've changed since i reviewed it.
+ [2016-09-14T21:42:06Z] ifdef42 i'm hoping the new github code review changes will move toward this kind of thing being part of the standard process :)
+ [2016-09-14T22:42:53Z] offlim how do i clone a branch?

message no. 150503

Posted by dukedave in #github at 2016-09-14T18:22:04Z

Well, I guess it still offers a lot more features, but it definitely signals that GH is trying to get in to the PM space!
+ [2016-09-15T03:37:02Z] xeirrr The new design looks cool, but a bit different to track user activity if one doesn't have RSS
+ [2016-09-15T12:56:39Z] brabo moin
+ [2016-09-15T12:56:56Z] brabo why is the irc service going out the window? there is no integration for irc?
+ [2016-09-15T12:57:11Z] Zarthus brabo: the entire thing is deprecated.
+ [2016-09-15T12:57:36Z] brabo Zarthus: i can understand that, but you are yanking a nice tool away from me