+ [8 years ago] Zarthus from the sounds of it it is a setting in ~/.gitconfig
+ [8 years ago] Zarthus I wouldn't know which one though.
+ [8 years ago] danielinux Zarthus: thank you, I wrote to support

message no. 150613

Posted by danielinux in #github at 2016-09-15T17:09:42Z

what's happening to services?
+ [8 years ago] Koopz anyone else having issues with gist? i save the file with spaces and an indent size of 4 but it get's displayed as tabs with an indent size of 8
+ [8 years ago] Koopz inspecting the data in POST i don't even see the values for the select elements... as a matter of fact they don't even have a name attribute
+ [8 years ago] Milos With the new pull request review feature, when I push changes which reflect the changes requested by the review, the review comments are not hidden after I change the code like it used to
+ [8 years ago] Milos this is very annoying because I have to go to the Files tab in order to see if I have any comments left that I missed
+ [8 years ago] Milos does anyone know how to make reviews hide after they are no longer relevant?