+ [8 years ago] p_d how do I add two files at once in git cui? for ex like we do- git add filename.xyz?
+ [8 years ago] danimal2 p_d just highlight both files...use ctrl key or shift
+ [8 years ago] yhhko danimal2: you should add his repository as a remote to your local repository, and then cherry-pick the commit that you want on top of your branch --- then you can optionally push that commit onto your github repo
+ [8 years ago] danimal2 i see, thanks yhhko. thought it was something like that. i'll give it a go :)
+ [8 years ago] bjpenn is the github auth jenkins plugin secure

message no. 155286

Posted by p_d in #github at 2016-10-31T15:03:59Z

yeah :)
+ [8 years ago] gh-status [Yellow] We are investigating a high number of exceptions on GitHub.com.
+ [8 years ago] copumpkin I assume it's expected right now that github is rejecting my pushes?
+ [8 years ago] bn_ hi, is there no way to edit an anonymous gist w/o pushing (uploading) a revision (from the CLI)?  ie:  is there no inline editor after the initial commit?  
+ [8 years ago] bn_ (I took a look at https://help.github.com/articles/creating-gists/ but didn't see anything mentioned about it)
+ [8 years ago] bn_ it mentions that it uses the "ACE editor" but I don't see the editor anymore after the initial paste/commit