+ [2016-11-07T10:07:40Z] SunOS for this file
+ [2016-11-07T14:39:26Z] d0nkeyBOB Hello, anyone have experience using webhooks to deploy to an Azure web app?
+ [2016-11-07T19:48:41Z] kleinweby interesting… gist.github.com ends in an endless redirect trying to authenticate
+ [2016-11-07T22:13:30Z] Lucretia hi, any chance we can get a way of grouping repositories? I want to group by project, so folders would be good. I could then have folders for my stuff and stuff that i've cloned from elsewhere, and subfolders...
+ [2016-11-07T23:41:26Z] Remramm Probably not

message no. 155984

Posted by SunOS in #github at 2016-11-07T09:58:11Z

+ [2016-11-08T02:13:44Z] peeps[lappy] is there an index of public projects on github sortable by popularity, or maybe commit activity?
+ [2016-11-08T02:18:06Z] peeps[lappy] or just any way to discover projects besides searching directly for their name?
+ [2016-11-08T02:28:43Z] peeps[lappy] oh, i just found this https://github.com/explore
+ [2016-11-08T04:45:42Z] verve anyone around?
+ [2016-11-08T10:49:53Z] anddam hi, I'm experiencing an "frame in frame" kind of thing right now on all repositories