+[8 years ago]zeromusas i see it @users.noreply.github.com email address is non-functional for linking git commits to github accounts unless the user has selected the checkbox in github profile to keep their email address private, which not everyone does. i dont understand all the pros and cons of that +[8 years ago]zeromusmoreover as soon as i imported my commits as joe@users.noreply.github.com and joe renames hiself to joesephine, there's no possible way he can have joe's commits link to his account +[8 years ago]zeromuswhereas if i'd imported the commits as myprojectimport.joe@gmail.com, joesephine could make a new account on github and seize control of myprojectimport.joe@gmail.com from joe's github account +[8 years ago]zeromusobviously i'm subverting the system here. the system is stupid and i dont mind subverting it. but mailmap may be better still +[8 years ago]_sfiguserpreaction, ok is there a way to convert between standard markdown and github markdown ?
message no. 157487
Posted by verve in #github at 2016-11-23T15:19:55Z
but... okay =\
+[8 years ago]zeromusalternatively....... i could just do the same thing i said with gmail more or less, except use @users.sf.net addresses +[8 years ago]zeromuscool! using sourceforge emails for commit imports and adding them to your github account seems to work fine. i prefer this to creating a mixed mess of differently-sourced emails in the import +[8 years ago]ssarahwhy is it that on github when im checking contributors, it doesnt account for aliases +[8 years ago]ssarahlike, my username is fullmooninu but i identified as miguel in my local repository +[8 years ago]ssarahso now the statistics dont show what i did