+[8 years ago]Hydrathe code from the other branches is now showing up on the website too, and I didn't have to force push those branches. +[8 years ago]Hydrahttps://github.com/cleanflight/cleanflight/commits/spracingf3neo +[8 years ago]Hydra^ the two most recent commits where not showing until the master branch was updated. +[8 years ago]Dougie187Great +[8 years ago]Hydraand the new travis builds have been scheduled ok now too.
message no. 158505
Posted by Hydra in #github at 2016-12-06T22:27:51Z
and then do that...
+[8 years ago]ertyubnHi guys I have a question with github pages, is it possible to use WebGL content inside a github page? +[8 years ago]EfffePreferred branching models for 3-5 teams? +[8 years ago]EfffeRight now we're doing `feat` -> `staging`. If that looks good we do `feat` -> `master`. +[8 years ago]github007Hey , was looking into setting up github on prem on our NAS box... Was just looking at the installation guides and they all seem to be focused around AWS/Azure/VMWare etc +[8 years ago]github007Has anyone any experience setting up github on their NAS ?