+[2017-01-14T21:58:15Z]nikiviI deleted mind stupidly :( +[2017-01-14T22:04:36Z]nikiviit was this theme : http://i.imgur.com/2EJf8ki.png +[2017-01-14T22:04:42Z]nikiviI can't find it anywhere now :( +[2017-01-14T22:07:17Z]nikiviactually found it +[2017-01-14T22:07:28Z]nikivilife is good :)
+[2017-01-15T00:46:51Z]Infininightneed a bug confirmation: https://github.com/textmate/perl.tmbundle/commits/master?after=Y3Vyc29yOnp4bjMd7CAS8vQyHibN%2BLlGpa51KzM0 +[2017-01-15T00:47:08Z]Infininightbottom of the page there is an Older button, should also be a Newer button no? +[2017-01-15T00:47:36Z]Infininight(link is to the second page of commits) +[2017-01-15T00:49:53Z]WebWalker3DInfininight: older is correct, as it loads comments older than the ones listed. The list is new to old, top to bottom +[2017-01-15T00:52:21Z]WebWalker3DInfininight: Newer is a matter of hitting the back button or going back in the browser. It's not a bug, just not a 100% intuitive UI