+ [8 years ago] jokoon returns nothing, and it's weird because I can find my file when browsing my github
+ [8 years ago] jokoon mmmh maybe a branch issue?
+ [8 years ago] jokoon so I found the commits where the file disappears
+ [8 years ago] jokoon I don't understand

message no. 162971

Posted by JudgeGorsuch in #github at 2017-02-06T15:37:03Z

I'm just publishing a paper about a method and want to make the code available so others can replicate the stuff. I wonder should I just create a google site and paste it there as zip file or put it on github
+ [8 years ago] _August_ has anyone ever got a pre-receive hook declined message?
+ [8 years ago] zerorax Hi, there is a project on github, a plugin for the Atom code editor... The guy who made it hasn't been active since october. Is there anything I can do to contact this person? They have 2 critical bugs and I fixed them... Not sure what to do... should I just fork the project and let the Atom people know?
+ [8 years ago] zerorax also, what is a pull request?
+ [8 years ago] deepy zerorax: a pull request is sort of a way of sending a patch
+ [8 years ago] deepy zerorax: https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/