+ [2017-02-12T20:08:38Z] jean-pedro ok that's better to move the file at root repo...keep it simple :)
+ [2017-02-12T20:21:06Z] rostam HI newbie question, regarding code review, once my I pull request, a team member can comment and I need to change the code again and resubmit (push) and pull request again?
+ [2017-02-12T23:13:18Z] gry is there a way to download a diff corresponding to a commit?
+ [2017-02-12T23:13:58Z] gry it i view this page https://github.com/jamesryanalexander/Duplication-Detector/commit/9ef68eeefd33cc871463fc086603234cf684ace0 and i would like to get the diff file
+ [2017-02-12T23:25:14Z] gry nvm, i jsut added it as a remote, no need to

message no. 163389

Posted by laravelnewbie in #github at 2017-02-12T13:52:50Z

i'm having problem attaching zip file in github
+ [2017-02-12T23:59:54Z] MuffinMedic If someone already submited a pull request, how can I also make changes to the same PR? I want to edit the file that was committed and add that commit into the same PR.
+ [2017-02-13T00:57:09Z] nedbat MuffinMedic: you can make a PR into their branch. once it's merged, it will be part of their PR.
+ [2017-02-13T00:57:22Z] nedbat MuffinMedic: or you can coordinate with them and just add a commit to that branch.
+ [2017-02-13T01:12:26Z] MuffinMedic nedbat: the latter requiring i need with permissions to the branch?
+ [2017-02-13T01:13:02Z] nedbat MuffinMedic: i'm not sure branches have permissions?