+[2017-02-22T18:41:11Z]FrozenFireA few mitigating factors that might cause this: All of the task names are links, the task list is nested two deep, and this PR is from October. +[2017-02-22T18:41:14Z]FrozenFireAnyone know why that might be? +[2017-02-22T22:04:16Z]morenoh149is there a way to cull a project's network so the network graph will display? +[2017-02-22T22:04:26Z]morenoh149I have control over a fork of a repo +[2017-02-22T22:53:17Z]jen_I need to search logs for commit numbers for specific modified file: git log -p | grep xyz does not show commit #
does it take a while for a first time github.io page to work?
+[2017-02-23T05:13:40Z]EvidloWhat's the right way to completely overwrite the gh-pages branch? I considered it to be compiled output so I don't want to keep any file history +[2017-02-23T06:49:09Z]hendryis there a way to see a deleted file in the github UI? +[2017-02-23T10:32:41Z]RxMcDonaldHow do you add more commits to the same PR? +[2017-02-23T12:03:20Z]deepy +[2017-02-23T12:03:51Z]rom1504good point