+ [8 years ago] Sweet-P actually, I just came across the answer...correct pagination and per_page parameters are a must!
+ [8 years ago] hweaving Sanity checking my understanding: Member A of an organization makes a private fork of a private repo.
+ [8 years ago] hweaving Member B cannot view this private fork unless it is made available to a Team that Member B is on.
+ [8 years ago] hweaving No answers, sanity check failed ;(

message no. 164379

Posted by Sweet-P in #github at 2017-02-26T01:22:20Z

I have quite a few repos starred on github.com. I'm trying to use "https://api.github.com/users/myusername/starred" to get a list of them all for later parsing. However, it's only returning 30 results out of over 200. Is there something I'm missing? Here's the cli I used " curl https://api.github.com/users/myusername/starred | jq -r '.[].git_url' "
+ [8 years ago] moogle hi i have a question
+ [8 years ago] nedbat moogle: Welcome. If you have a question, it's always best to jump right in and ask it.
+ [8 years ago] moogle If i want to break up my project into little bits for building in travis, (for build avoidance), should each project have it's own repository?
+ [8 years ago] aspiers LOG_FILE = ENV['HOME'] + "/.log/github-notifications.log"
+ [8 years ago] aspiers oops, sorry! wrong paste