+ [2017-04-21T14:58:06Z] IamTrying is it low bandwidth Lencl?
+ [2017-04-21T14:59:27Z] Lencl lol that's amazing
+ [2017-04-21T22:10:39Z] Alumin ok, pretty sure I already know the answer to this question, but...does GitHub provide wildcard DNS for repository access they way it does for project home pages? What I mean is, if I go to "anything.github.com", it'll get redirected to github.io and look for a project Web site.
+ [2017-04-21T22:11:10Z] Alumin What I want is to be able to specify something like "myaccount.github.com" in a repo remote URI and have that work
+ [2017-04-21T22:11:32Z] Alumin I tried just doing that, but the connection just timed out

message no. 167543

Posted by IamTrying in #github at 2017-04-21T13:26:21Z

Guys, can you please upgrade the gist.github.com? 1) lot of us hackers we use Gist as documentation now 2) can you please make the layout of all the gist as linux `tree` ? so that we can browse to our gist files chronologically?
+ [2017-04-22T00:27:55Z] ezio how the heck do you view a previous version of a file in the web view?
+ [2017-04-22T00:29:08Z] ezio what the hell?!
+ [2017-04-22T06:54:13Z] theparadoxer02 i made a project,then created a repo on github
+ [2017-04-22T06:54:50Z] theparadoxer02 then i intialised git in that folder and added all the files using "git init"