+ [2017-07-04T16:40:17Z] wpppp this 8 times
+ [2017-07-04T16:40:35Z] wpppp any CI service that offers this?
+ [2017-07-04T16:40:41Z] wpppp notably free for open source projects
+ [2017-07-04T16:54:41Z] nedbat wpppp: this doesn't seem to be a question about github at all
+ [2017-07-04T16:55:06Z] wpppp nedbat: well, github got a marketplace now, also I want/need github integration with this hypothetical CI service

message no. 170051

Posted by ShalokShalom in #github at 2017-07-04T08:20:28Z

the link is different from the actual download, even in Firefox
+ [2017-07-06T05:44:25Z] senaps hi, i have forked a repo, that repo is updated, and has merged some of my commit's. is there a way for me to get my fork updated with the latest version of the original repo?
+ [2017-07-06T06:04:16Z] vlt senaps: `git merge origin/master; git push <myrepo>`
+ [2017-07-07T09:05:16Z] ai7council I git commit -m 'wrong information'
+ [2017-07-07T09:05:43Z] ai7council how could I change it?ignore the wrong message