+ [2019-04-28T20:27:41Z] erebel55 For some reason I can't figure out how to open a PR against a forked repo on GitHub today. I must be really tired. But when I go to set the base repo to my forked one it isn't there. It is a private fork, but I'm confused.
+ [2019-04-28T21:32:40Z] bncn I have coded a laravel package and put it into packagist, it was GPL-3, does it matter if it's GPL-3 or MIT? jw
+ [2019-04-28T22:56:50Z] agile_prg hi all, I have a unity game I want to put into github, I want to do this from the command line, I did this once before but didn't right down all the steps
+ [2019-04-28T22:57:04Z] agile_prg I think it started out with like git init or something
+ [2019-04-28T22:57:19Z] agile_prg can anyone point me to some documentation on how to do this?

message no. 171979

Posted by erebel55 in #github at 2019-04-28T20:27:32Z

+ [2019-04-29T01:38:30Z] pi- Can anyone help me to use the github API to get the "archived" status for a particular repository? I seem to be nearly there: `curl -s https://api.github.com/orgs/myorg/repos` returns a JSON blob (containing the "archived" key) for one particular repository in my account. I guess the first one... But I can't see how to supply the repo name.
+ [2019-04-29T01:39:02Z] pi- I would imagine I should be supplying something like `?repo_name=foo`, but I can't find this documented.
+ [2019-04-29T01:39:46Z] nedbat pi-: do you have the api docs?
+ [2019-04-29T01:43:24Z] pi- I'm struggling to find what I'm looking for -- https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#list-organization-repositories <-- maybe it's this one?
+ [2019-04-29T01:44:50Z] nedbat pi-: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/#get ?