+ [2019-05-03T01:16:22Z] jamespharvey20 do, but not sure it's bad in this scenario.
+ [2019-05-03T01:26:51Z] nedbat jamespharvey20: it's fine to force push in this case.
+ [2019-05-03T01:27:08Z] nedbat the important history will be when it is merged to master
+ [2019-05-03T01:27:39Z] jamespharvey20 nedbat: Thanks! Seemed like this was an exception to the rule, but didn't want to screw it up!
+ [2019-05-03T18:29:36Z] ElePHPhant Where is the RSS or ATOM feed for new comments in a specific issue?

message no. 172117

Posted by jamespharvey20 in #github at 2019-05-03T01:16:21Z

If I made a fork, pushed a branch with a bugfix, and made an upstream pull request... Then I see something needs to be changed, I understand the pull request is tied to my fork's branch and I just need to modify my branch. What's the way to proceed so only a single commit is still given in the pull request? Is it safe to do a fixup and force pushing it? I know pushing rewritten history is usually bad to
+ [2019-05-04T00:01:43Z] VxJasonxV ElePHPhant: I know of a commit atom feed, I don't know of a comment atom feed.
+ [2019-05-04T00:49:08Z] ElePHPhant VxJasonxV: That's insanity...
+ [2019-05-04T00:49:17Z] ElePHPhant VxJasonxV: And on a code site of all places...
+ [2019-05-04T00:49:23Z] ElePHPhant I had to code my own weird hack.