+[6 years ago]CrtxReavrI can't see how to rollback a commit in the github web UI. +[6 years ago]nedbatCrtxReavr: github can't do everything git can do +[6 years ago]CrtxReavrDue to reasons I can't use the cli to access the repo. +[6 years ago]CrtxReavrI have to copy the tree from the customer network to my workstation, then commit via the web UI. +[6 years ago]nedbatthat sounds difficult
message no. 172336
Posted by bensh in #github at 2019-05-16T18:25:59Z
you can't
+[6 years ago]Ibn-Batothii all +[6 years ago]Ibn-Batotanyone here alive/active ? +[6 years ago]Ibn-Batothey guys +[6 years ago]Ibn-Batotany1 here alive ? +[6 years ago]algunIs it me or if you go to create an .md file with a relative link in it, eg [this](self.md), the preview will make the path relative to the parent directory rather than the one the .md file is in?