+ [2019-06-09T03:57:13Z] Henry151 so I'm just here to ask about the "right way" or "best practices" specific to this circumstance.
+ [2019-06-09T03:58:20Z] Henry151 I could get the task done quickly enough in a fully manual way; i wouldn't even use diff, i'd just open two terminals tiled side by side, and open his on one side and mine on the other, and modify his until it had my changes incorporated
+ [2019-06-09T03:58:31Z] Henry151 but i want to understand the git / github workflow better.
+ [2019-06-09T03:59:20Z] Henry151 anyway, i will go have a smoke and see if anybody has any thoughts for me when i return in a few minutes. Thanks in advance :)
+ [2019-06-09T04:47:03Z] R2robot that's a lot of words. :P

message no. 173179

Posted by Henry151 in #github at 2019-06-09T03:55:42Z

so I want to "merge" (maybe not using the word correctly in this context) my changes, into his more recent version ('upstream?')
+ [2019-06-10T07:10:25Z] VxJasonxV Henry151: https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ and https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2
+ [2019-06-10T07:11:05Z] VxJasonxV the best workflow in your situation is ALWAYS work in branches
+ [2019-06-10T07:11:17Z] VxJasonxV finish your work, merge it in. don't want it anymore? delete the branch.
+ [2019-06-10T07:12:01Z] VxJasonxV commit, test, commit, test, commit, test, (with optional pushes at any time if collaborating on the same branch), merge, push
+ [2019-06-10T12:44:12Z] BPL Hi guys, do you know an easy way to get all urls from a particular github site?