+ [6 years ago] R2robot in that case, yeah, i'd say something
+ [6 years ago] D437 R2robot: Sure, I totally understand that, I contributed to it because I used it in my work and was so impressed by it. He told me to give him a couple of months. I forgot about it afterwards
+ [6 years ago] D437 Alright, I'll leave a comment
+ [6 years ago] b1ack0p hi. i cant pull request in vscode new version

message no. 173901

Posted by D437 in #github at 2019-06-21T18:12:33Z

Well, okay, if it's on master then, the code should be on the project's homepage on github right?
+ [6 years ago] rkeene Is there a way to search for all open PRs or Open issues on all the repositories I own ?
+ [6 years ago] zenix_2k2 sorry for reasking this but i think there is a line i can put in .gitattributes to ignore files and currently i have 2 .h files i need to ignore
+ [6 years ago] zenix_2k2 just to correct my language detection so any idea what is that ?
+ [6 years ago] zenix_2k2 oh wait i think it was supposed to be true, nvm :P
+ [6 years ago] lope I'm editing my issue and can't see a way to do it