+ [2019-06-24T12:05:04Z] nedbat lope: i don't know where those images go.
+ [2019-06-24T12:08:10Z] lope Thanks buddy
+ [2019-06-24T13:27:41Z] cousin_luigi I've been asked for email confirmation every time I've logged on for a week now. Anything I should worry about?
+ [2019-06-24T17:09:08Z] R2robot cousin_luigi: post screenshot of the message if you can

message no. 173975

Posted by nedbat in #github at 2019-06-24T11:55:11Z

lope: i thought it used to say this: you can drop an image on the editor, and it will work.
+ [2019-06-25T01:08:11Z] geekodour08 is there a github event which triggers when new releases are added?
+ [2019-06-25T07:49:14Z] JaniDJ Hey
+ [2019-06-25T10:27:15Z] cousin_luigi R2robot: 19:09:08 < R2robot> cousin_luigi: post screenshot of the message if you can
+ [2019-06-25T10:27:18Z] cousin_luigi R2robot: https://i.imgur.com/IcFaI35.jpg
+ [2019-06-25T10:27:42Z] cousin_luigi Could it be because my cookies are periodically purged?