+[2019-07-24T07:38:50Z]alkisgIs this behavior documented anywhere, to read up on when escaping is necessary? +[2019-07-24T07:44:21Z]alkisgThe editor has a small glitch there, but no biggie +[2019-07-24T07:44:21Z]alkisgHmm ok it appears that it needs spaces before and after the _: https://github.com/alkisg/tests/blob/master/README.md +[2019-07-24T14:41:29Z]ldiamondIs there an api that gives me all of the commits, pr, issues from the beginning of time or the repo? +[2019-07-24T14:41:38Z]ldiamondeven deleted branches
In an .md file, I write: ...in order to export $BASE_DIR, $TFTP_DIR and $HOME_DIR.
+[2019-07-25T17:05:36Z]glassresistoris there a way to push a release from a tag on a specific branch? like i have a release and develop branch each of which im going to have deploy to staging and production. but i'd like to set it up so that release can only be a fast forward merge from develop and develop has branch protection with review and test status requirements +[2019-07-25T20:40:46Z]laylasHello all, I have just been granted restricted access to my account due to the fantastic location I happened to be born in +[2019-07-25T20:40:46Z]laylas(Good Job! I absolutely agree that every human should be held fully accountable for their birth place). +[2019-07-25T20:40:47Z]laylas Does anybody have any idea if the restrictions apply to holders of restricted nationalities even if they are living abroad? see https://help.github.com/en/articles/github-and-trade-controls +[2019-07-25T20:44:54Z]R2robotWe're not allowed to talk to you.