+ [2019-09-12T19:25:27Z] jlk by more than one people, so there are permissions involved
+ [2019-09-12T20:31:05Z] syntaxfree I forked a repository which has since been updated. I want to merge back the original repos' changes into mine. I know how to do this with git, but is it possible to do it on the github website?
+ [2019-09-12T20:36:45Z] R2robot even the github docs describing this points to using git itself

message no. 174472

Posted by jlk in #github at 2019-09-12T02:05:59Z

otherwise GitHub will throw you an error.
+ [2019-09-13T07:04:36Z] gidna HEllo
+ [2019-09-13T07:04:43Z] gidna Is there a way to input password and username as a command when executing "git push" ?
+ [2019-09-13T07:20:23Z] ThiefMaster gidna: use ssh keys. username/password are a terrible choice anyway for git
+ [2019-09-13T07:20:39Z] gidna ok I resolved with this git config --global credential.helper cache
+ [2019-09-13T08:45:25Z] littlepython what would be my github organization id