+[2019-11-16T18:12:44Z]nedbatalkisg: make them code lines +[2019-11-16T18:13:40Z]alkisgreads https://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/markdown/ ... +[2019-11-16T18:16:12Z]alkisgsmart_quotes - Defines the HTML entity names or code points for smart quote output +[2019-11-16T18:16:23Z]alkisg...so there's an option there, I just need to find how it's used +[2019-11-16T18:30:40Z]alkisgYey, that worked :)
Josse: why not make them one git repo on your computer?
+[2019-11-17T02:22:27Z]MoultIs there a public service that provides IRC bots that shout out new commits to a github repo? Or should I set up my own bot? +[2019-11-17T04:13:23Z]alkisgMoult: if you find one, I'm interested too :) +[2019-11-17T10:24:36Z]Moultalkisg: i ended up running Sopel and using its https://github.com/RebelCodeBase/sopel-rss module +[2019-11-17T16:03:58Z]alkisgMoult: thank you, will have a look at sopel +[2019-11-18T07:37:12Z]tonahello everyone, I have put my code in github using this steps, 1.- git init , 2.- git add . 3.- git commit -m 'deploy' 4.- git remote add origin mygithub 5.- git push -u origin master, what steps should I do for my second and third steps to update my code