+ [5 years ago] R2robot https://medium.com/the-andela-way/a-practical-guide-to-managing-multiple-github-accounts-8e7970c8fd46
+ [5 years ago] escanor Bad configuration option: identifyfile following error
+ [5 years ago] tang^ typo... identityfile
+ [5 years ago] lone-pine I have a bunch of large files in a repo and I'm trying to remove them so that I'm not pushing 5.5GB everytime I push. I deleted some of the large files, but pushing the commit where I delete the files counts as an non-LFS commit and gets rejected by github
+ [5 years ago] lone-pine For some reason LFS thinks the files have changed even though they haven't

message no. 176119

Posted by escanor in #github at 2019-11-25T09:00:20Z

R2robot: Just one more thing do we have to login in git? using github credentials
+ [5 years ago] amosbird what's "st" short for?
+ [5 years ago] R2robot amosbird: in what context
+ [5 years ago] Stummi Do I understand right that github supports package repositories, like for maven, but you just can't have them public?
+ [5 years ago] Stummi They seem to always need a login, even though the repository is public