+ [2020-01-27T13:48:26Z] trackball hmm. i've changed the content of my README.md, but `git push origin master` says "Everything up-to-date"
+ [2020-01-27T13:55:19Z] trackball oh, nevermind. i forgot to commit the changes
+ [2020-01-27T14:50:51Z] royal_screwup21 could someone help me fix this? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59933024/hitting-404-with-jekyll-github-pages-how-do-i-fix-this
+ [2020-01-27T15:57:26Z] cim209 god it's so annoying when you follow someone on github and that mfer follows almost 300 people the same day, which renders the dashboard empty except him following these randoms
+ [2020-01-27T15:59:27Z] cim209 https://i.imgur.com/8WKvUXk.png

message no. 176705

Posted by royal_screwup21 in #github at 2020-01-27T12:57:54Z

I am trying to use this jekyll theme https://github.com/mmistakes/mm-github-pages-starter I've got it setup and running, but the problem is the url is of the form: myname.github.io/mm-github-pages-starter
+ [2020-01-28T03:18:48Z] Geo Hi, is anyone here able to advise me on how to use Actions for some CI work on a repo? I currently have a main repo, and a separate repo with some bats (bash-based) integration tests that run against the compiled program. I was able to get a basic "does it compile" test working, but I'm trying to figure out a good approach to running the bats tests against the compiled binary. Does anyone have a similar
+ [2020-01-28T03:18:50Z] Geo experience/workflow they can share?
+ [2020-01-28T09:29:32Z] craz Is it possible via the API to find out if a PR is in ready for review state? I cant seem to find data about that in the api response
+ [2020-01-28T20:29:03Z] giz hey all
+ [2020-01-28T20:29:27Z] giz I sign all commits. But if I rebase and force push to GitHub, only the last commit is signed!