+ [2020-02-11T20:53:11Z] R2robot there was someone a while back asking the same thing about repos.. and was VERY anxious about internal employees not being able to view his private repo.
+ [2020-02-11T20:53:48Z] R2robot pretty funny. pretty sure he was writing some kind of erotica or soemthing
+ [2020-02-11T20:54:00Z] R2robot I'm not judging, it's just the level of paranoia was kinda funny
+ [2020-02-11T21:26:17Z] kraem haha i just wanted to make sure they didn't fall under some other permission than the rest of the repo. the github help pages states projects are private on a private repo by default, but nothing about the wikis. thank you :)
+ [2020-02-11T21:44:36Z] R2robot You can always open a browser window in private mode and browse to that repo to see what other people would see (or not see)

message no. 176992

Posted by kraem in #github at 2020-02-11T20:26:52Z

quick question: are wikis fully private on private repos?
+ [2020-02-12T13:28:13Z] joola database service ?
+ [2020-02-12T13:28:13Z] joola Hello folks, I'm having some trouble with github actions, I'd happy to get some help. I try to run 2 services (API + Database) for a job that should work with the API. The problem I have is that the API cannot talk to the database. And I wonder why. I tried to link them using the same network alias. Tried to connect them trough the service name, trough localhost, everything. Still not luck. How could I make the API service acces the
+ [2020-02-12T13:28:49Z] joola https://github.com/directus/gatsby-source/runs/440886184 Here is the repo
+ [2020-02-12T19:50:40Z] nedbat github announces a new cli tool (gh), that seems semi-duplicative with hub, but not completely https://github.com/cli/cli#comparison-with-hub
+ [2020-02-12T19:55:27Z] nedbat https://github.com/cli/cli/issues/312#issuecomment-582529012 "gh does not aim to implement everything that hub does. Instead, we are reimagining what a GitHub command-line experience can be like from the ground up."