+ [2020-02-17T18:50:55Z] Hoffman Keshu2212: assuming you pushed them from this machine
+ [2020-02-17T18:51:05Z] Hoffman Keshu2212: otherwise, you can always run 'git pull' to get the latest from it
+ [2020-02-17T18:52:42Z] Keshu2212 Hoffman but when I will do git pull it will only pull from master branch and I want to pull from another branch
+ [2020-02-17T18:54:27Z] Hoffman Keshu2212: if this branch is configured correctly with a remote, git pull will pull the latest from this branch you are on
+ [2020-02-17T18:55:56Z] Keshu2212 Hoffman Ok let me do it.

message no. 177067

Posted by escherial in #github at 2020-02-17T11:58:19Z

ok, so "api" and "API" differ by 8 commits on github; on my local machine, when i pull it always notifies me that there's a new branch: api -> origin/api
+ [2020-02-18T08:00:26Z] escherial Seveas: right, of course; i don't know who did this, but i suspect it's someone higher up in the hierarchy than me
+ [2020-02-18T08:00:37Z] escherial i believe we're all using case-sensitive filesystems (OS X and linux)
+ [2020-02-18T08:01:13Z] escherial that's why i'm surprised that it's goofing up with my machine and github...let me check my case sensitivity setting, one sec
+ [2020-02-18T08:14:39Z] mnr200 I'm trying to add Github action badge to one of my project on github.
+ [2020-02-18T08:14:55Z] mnr200 But it says page not found