+ [2020-03-02T19:46:30Z] chealer hi. how can I synchronize a fork with its upstream (not just a branch, the whole repository)?
+ [2020-03-02T20:16:37Z] holgersson chealer: manually with fetching into your local copy and then pushing. I don't know if the github.com UI supports it.
+ [2020-03-02T20:17:06Z] holgersson Have people with posteo.de email accounts here problems with githbu.com aswell?
+ [2020-03-02T20:17:54Z] holgersson Since microsoft bought github.com I have to re-validate my email address between one and five times a month and I didn't change anything on my side, beside using github.com less.

message no. 177467

Posted by roboirc in #github at 2020-03-02T11:08:44Z

thats what i have to do!
+ [2020-03-03T01:51:07Z] koala_man what's the distinction between a tag and a release?
+ [2020-03-03T01:52:18Z] koala_man I see tags listed under "Releases", but I can't e.g. upload files to them the way I can if I hit "Draft a new release"
+ [2020-03-03T10:34:10Z] sbeyer Is it possible to declare branches as "not mentioned to merge into master"?
+ [2020-03-03T10:36:06Z] sbeyer at least I cannot find something like this in the branch protection rules :)
+ [2020-03-03T10:37:43Z] sbeyer I am talking about special purpose branches, that behave "like master" and just coexist... like the gh-pages branch or a maintenance/support branch for older releases