+ [2020-03-15T21:06:49Z] Ademan Is there a way to style table rows in github markdown? (I want to color code rows red/green)
+ [2020-03-15T21:07:01Z] Ademan minimally, a table cell
+ [2020-03-15T21:07:29Z] Ademan unfortunately all of my searching for "github markdown" has a really bad signal to noise ratio
+ [2020-03-15T21:08:15Z] nedbat Ademan: markdown is intentionally simple. it also lets you just drop into HTML any time you want
+ [2020-03-15T21:09:04Z] Ademan ah well that'll work, thanks

message no. 177751

Posted by rosco_y in #github at 2020-03-15T00:10:26Z

I'd like to revert my code base to a previous commit--do I use "git reset <hash identifier> to do this?
+ [2020-03-16T09:09:13Z] teut hi
+ [2020-03-16T09:09:30Z] teut I m quite a lot confused about github
+ [2020-03-16T09:09:40Z] teut Can I resolve my confusion here?
+ [2020-03-16T09:09:56Z] teut I have seen tutorials but yet ..
+ [2020-03-16T09:10:01Z] teut still confused