+[2020-03-18T18:17:25Z]Solitonyou said you did that. why are you confused that github agrees? +[2020-03-18T18:17:26Z]teutI meant learner up there not learned . My appologies +[2020-03-18T18:17:39Z]teutBad at typing +[2020-03-18T18:18:55Z]teutok it disappeared maybe it wanted me to click it to get updated +[2020-03-18T18:18:57Z]teutthanks
+[2020-03-19T02:54:44Z]fitzgerald1337hello +[2020-03-19T02:55:09Z]fitzgerald1337is it possible to use preformatted text in github commit messages? +[2020-03-19T02:55:26Z]fitzgerald1337like, for instance: +[2020-03-19T02:55:57Z]fitzgerald1337Modified all password fields to be of input type `password` instead of type `text` +[2020-03-19T02:56:27Z]fitzgerald1337where password and text are in monospace instead of normal prose style san-serif