+ [5 years ago] gobostone indeed I'm in the wrong room
+ [5 years ago] gobostone not sure how that happened, sorry
+ [5 years ago] gobostone you're nextdoor in irssi for me
+ [5 years ago] mydog2 for someone familiar with "github" is there a "config.yaml" somewhere on the site? In looking over the profiles/settings/etc.. as well as searching I haven't found where it might be

message no. 180800

Posted by gitinfo in #github at 2020-05-20T19:56:09Z

Github has a few help articles on common operations for remotes (adding, changing URL, renaming, removing, etc): https://help.github.com/categories/18/articles
+ [5 years ago] fks survey: if freenode requires 'phone # verification" would you still use freenode or stop using freenode?
+ [5 years ago] nedbat fks: what is phone # verification, and what does it have to do with github? :)
+ [5 years ago] fks nedbat nothing, how do you not know what 'phone # verification is
+ [5 years ago] nedbat fks: i can imagine some things it means, but how often? for what actions?
+ [5 years ago] fks nedbat is logged in as nedbat