+[2020-05-22T23:33:57Z]mydog2also -- what's the "pull_request_yourname" -- don't see that anywhere in the article +[2020-05-22T23:35:00Z]nedbatmydog2: "git checkout -b pull_request_yourname" it's the name of a branch +[2020-05-22T23:35:46Z]nedbatmydog2: private_repo_yourname is your name for the remote +[2020-05-22T23:51:09Z]flying_sausagesHey guys, I'd like to get the latest binary from the releases in a wget call, how would you make sure the get the one that is the latest marked as stable? +[2020-05-22T23:52:07Z]flying_sausagesi.e. dynamically getting the latest version of a file such as this https://github.com/hkalexling/Mango/releases/download/v0.3.0/mango
InnovAnon-Inc: you know people here will ask the same queestion as in #git
+[2020-05-23T00:08:06Z]mydog2hey nedbat - ok, on the pull branch, if i dont have a branch yet, can this be blank? or does it default to master? +[2020-05-23T00:08:23Z]mydog2let me keep reading/trying/testing. thanks! +[2020-05-23T11:11:21Z]Woetis there a way to link to the latest commit without knowing the commit ID? +[2020-05-23T11:11:35Z]Woete.g. https://github.com/Woet/repo/commit/latest +[2020-05-23T11:25:16Z]nedbatWoet: /user/repo/commit/master