+ [2020-06-06T23:31:20Z] nedbat MR-D05: right, and from hotfix branches.
+ [2020-06-06T23:32:19Z] MR-D05 also auto merge to feature branches upon commits to develop
+ [2020-06-06T23:38:06Z] nedbat MR-D05: wait, that sounds really wrong
+ [2020-06-06T23:38:41Z] nedbat MR-D05: what feature branches would get the commits, and why? they should be short-lived, and merged into develop.
+ [2020-06-06T23:38:59Z] nedbat MR-D05: (btw, it will be easier to keep track of this conversation if you use my nick)

message no. 181830

Posted by V7 in #github at 2020-06-06T11:28:37Z

Hey all o/ Does anyone know if it's possible to set public only one email address in GitHub rather than showing all of them? I've tried to add one more, but it sets them private both.
+ [2020-06-07T10:38:25Z] kkoomen Hi. How can I show "used by" in my repository? To show myself and others how many projects use my npm package?
+ [2020-06-07T12:44:04Z] BtbN Can I write a Github-Action that does not run in docker, but is not NodeJS?
+ [2020-06-07T12:51:53Z] BtbN As in, please just let me write an action that's a shell script.
+ [2020-06-07T12:52:01Z] BtbN bash seems to be available on all runners
+ [2020-06-07T12:52:15Z] BtbN And writing a JavaScript-Action that wraps a shell script seems silly.