+ [5 years ago] amosbird Hello, how can I revert back the new github style
+ [5 years ago] amosbird http://la.wentropy.com/b978af57ffca949f
+ [5 years ago] amosbird the top div should be centerend
+ [5 years ago] nedbat amosbird: you can write a Stylus design for it. people have already started some.

message no. 182931

Posted by spaceone in #github at 2020-06-29T09:21:16Z

ok, nice to know
+ [5 years ago] amosbird hmm, can I fix a github edit generated pr?
+ [5 years ago] amosbird I don't like to create a local repo and git push
+ [5 years ago] wwalker How do I see a list of pull requests others have against my repos? All my searches tell me how to find my pull requests in others repos (github.com/pulls)
+ [5 years ago] laokz hi all. how to withdraw one commit of a pull request at github web? (no local repo)