+[2020-07-08T11:10:35Z]sbeyerah wait, is it simply the "Unwatch" button at the top? +[2020-07-08T11:10:53Z]sbeyerok, I guess my question can be ignored here :-) +[2020-07-08T11:15:51Z]sbeyerI think my error was to look through the pages of the team, not of the repo... writing the question made me look at the repo page :-) +[2020-07-08T11:16:22Z]sbeyertypical rubber duck effect +[2020-07-08T12:24:49Z]cybrNautyou guys should abandon Microsoft Github. Rationale: https://github.com/privacytoolsIO/privacytools.io/issues/843 The channel ##Codeberg has just been started so you can discuss migrating to a better place.
+[2020-07-09T11:12:35Z]ldlhi, friends. please help with this. +[2020-07-09T11:12:36Z]ldlhttps://softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/75303/is-there-any-publish-subscribe-mode-open-source-softwares-for-recommend +[2020-07-09T18:56:16Z]nbjoergis it possible to set a custom amount for github sponsorship donations? +[2020-07-09T18:56:24Z]nbjoerganyone knows? +[2020-07-09T20:58:32Z]pgndi'm looking to mirror a repo from another (non-gh) service on my gh acct.i can easily create locally, push the clone --mirror to gh, and occassionally push refreshes TO gh.