+ [2014-07-01T23:37:32Z] dsdeiz hey all
+ [2014-07-01T23:39:23Z] dsdeiz currently using hub, anyone happen to know a tool that would create a pull request with a summary of commits in the description?
+ [2014-07-01T23:47:36Z] jeffmjack so, I git cloned a project from the command line, and now I'm trying to push and it won't let me. How can I make the local 'master' go to a repo in my GH account instead of trying to push to the original author's?
+ [2014-07-01T23:50:45Z] milki jeffmjack: setup your remote. you can see it with git remote -vv
+ [2014-07-01T23:58:28Z] jeffmjack milki: thanks!

message no. 25769

Posted by FrostyX in #github at 2014-07-01T11:29:16Z

chro: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line
+ [2014-07-02T00:31:11Z] dsdeiz VxJasonxV: yeah like i said, currently using hub
+ [2014-07-02T00:31:19Z] VxJasonxV hub can create pull requests
+ [2014-07-02T00:31:26Z] dsdeiz yeah that's what i'm using